
How to Build Unstoppable Confidence

Building self-confidence is something that most people leave to chance. Many settle for the belief that as you get older you’ll just automatically grow in confidence through “experience.” But waiting for external factors to give you confidence is like building your house on sandy ground. When the flood comes, your house will be washed away and left in ruins.

Seven Traits of the Highly Remarkable Man

Have you ever heard someone speak and felt compelled to soak up every word? You just want to know them, be around them and learn from. That’s the mark of a remarkable person.

While some people are born with an enigmatic quality, most people become that way willfully. Many highly charismatic, magnetic people didn’t get that way by accident. They didn’t stumble upon greatness; they became great deliberately.

Why Passion Is So Attractive

Think back to a time when you were talking passionately about something to your friends. Did you notice that all of them gave you their full attention? Recall how you not only commanded attention but you probably spoke confidently, articulately, and with self-assurance in your voice. As image consultants, we spend a lot of time …

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How to Create Lasting Change This Year

What are your major goals this year?

Imagine that at the end of this year, you meet some friends you haven’t seen in a very long time. Imagine that the look on their faces is that of total shock. Imagine their jaws hitting the floor, and not being able to continuously voice how much you’ve transformed. You already knew this would happen, because you planned it. You love this moment – it’s nothing but glorious. It’s one of the greatest signs to yourself that you’ve grown tremendously.

A Deep Dive Analysis Into Men’s Style

What do you think about when you hear someone use the word “style”?

Whenever the term “style” is used, it most commonly refers to one’s fashion or outer appearance. But I want to remind you that style is much more than your shoulder length haircut, fashionable coat, or your Ferragamo dress shoes.

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